
How can we help you?

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For questions, suggestions or complaints, please contact us using the form. Our experts are ready to help you.


Did you have any doubts?

Our developments do not provide food included in their daily rates, but our houses have an integrated and equipped kitchen, in addition, we have a great food area for you and your family.

It is necessary that you always check your usage schedule to know what your usage dates are, but if you want to go on another date, just contact our administrator and use your exchange benefit. Depending on the availability of the hotel, you can request the exchange of your period.

If you cannot or do not want to use your daily rates, you will have several options such as exchange, renting or making use available to third parties. You will have autonomy to decide which is the best option.

Your vacation home in paradise has come true!
Av. Raja Gabáglia, 1011 / P1 - Estoril, Belo Horizonte - MG, 30380-403
(31) 3526-0109

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